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Published on: 14/03/2011

New US legislation proposes to appoint an International Water Issues Diplomatic Coordinator and to set up a Bureau for Global Water Aid at USAID.

Democratic representative from Texas Sheila Jackson-Lee introduced the Global Water Access and Equity Act (H.R.6565) in Congress on 21 December 2010. It has been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Among other things, the proposed bill would create the position of "Coordinator of United States Government Diplomatic Initiatives to Provide Safe Water and Sanitation Globally" at the State Department with the responsibility of advising the Secretary of State on U.S. efforts to improve water and sanitation access in developing countries. The bill also establishes the "Bureau for Global Water Aid" at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) headed by an Assistant Administrator who will "be responsible for the oversight and coordination of all United States Government activities to provide safe water and sanitation to developing countries" including those requirements as outlined in the Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-121). Finally, the bill authorizes appropriations in the amount that "may be necessary to carry out this Act."

Read the full details of the bill and its status on Thomas

Source: Kaiser Global Health, 21 Dec 2010

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