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Published on: 29/08/2024

Safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) is widely recognized for its positive impact on public health. By reducing multiple diseases and contributing to non-disease outcomes, WASH interventions play a crucial role. Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), a diverse group of communicable diseases, affect over a billion people and impose significant economic costs on developing nations. In Ghana, where more than 12 NTDs are endemic, the Central Region is significantly affected, with 20 out of 22 Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) implicated (90.9%), including, the Upper Denkyira East Municipal Assembly (National NTD programs).

In March 2023, the Upper Denkyira East Municipal Assembly (UDEMA), the Municipal Health Department (MHD), IRC, and allied partners officially launched the 'WASH Services in Skin-NTDs Endemic Areas—Improving Health and Quality of Life' project. This marked the beginning of implementing aspects of the WASH and NTDs master plan in three healthcare facilities—Asma Camp, Ibraim, and Tegyemoso—and five communities: Gyampokrom, Twifo Kyebi, Antwikrom, Asma Camp, and Yirepe.

The project aims to contribute to mitigating the incidence/prevalence of skin-related NTDs by ensuring safe and sustainable water and sanitation for all residents in the municipality. In February 2024, project partners organised a district stakeholders' workshop to share updates – there was clear indication that the implementation phase is progressing steadily.

This stakeholder workshop seeks to update valued partners and stakeholders in the municipality on the current implementation status and to share final project activities. The agenda includes project final updates and discussions on matters arising and obtaining feedback from beneficiary communities. The event will commence with a brief welcome and project overview, followed by the final updates and collaborative planning for the way forward, including the completion and handover of facilities for use.

Venue: Upper Denkyira East Municipal Assembly, Dunkwa-On-Offin

Date: August 30, 2024

Time: 09:00 – 13:00


09:00      Arrival /Opening Prayer/ Self Introduction - Facilitators
10:05      Introduction of chair/ Comments - Facilitator / Chair (UDEMA)
10:15      Welcome comments - UDEMA / MHD
10:30      Brief recap of WASH services in skin-NTDs endemic areas' project - IRC
11:00      Snack break - All/ Facilitator
11:15      Highlights of final project updates - UDEMA/ MHD
11:45      Q & A/ discussions - Facilitators / All
12:45      Way forward - IRC/ UDEMA/MHD
12:40      Closing comments / Wrap-up - Chair (UDEMA)
12:45      Closing prayer - Facilitator
13:00      Group photo/Launch /Departure - All 

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