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Published on: 14/10/2011

How far and solid is the embedding process in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Uganda? Is communication fluid enough internally and is it effective enough externally to interest and involve sector actors? What are we assuming about the course of WASHTech, the types of changes that it is hoping for and practical ways to achieve these changes? What are the next steps, challenges and questions we have?

Consortium participants taking part in the Ouagadougou meeting

These are some of the questions that WASHTech consortium members are pondering in this extra Consortium meeting hosted in Burkina Faso. During two days (4 and 5 October 2011), the three WASHTech country teams and work package coordinators are reviewing progress with the TAF, the technology scoping and selection studies, the piloting of the TAF, internal and external communication, the embedding and learning alliance process, impact assessment and process monitoring on the basis of the KAP survey.

This rich programme will be followed by a two-day training workshop (6 & 7 October) where the same participants will be reflecting together about the picture of change (1) that they have developed for the project as a whole and that they should develop for each project country. In the second day of the workshop, the participants will be trained on the monitoring approach The Most Significant Change.

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