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Published on: 19/04/2011

A new United Nations resolution aims to boost efforts to attain the sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target. Otherwise the world will miss the MDG sanitation target by almost 1 billion people, according to a joint WHO/UNICEF report published in 2010 [1].

The Sustainable Sanitation 5 Year Drive to 2015 (5YD) was conceptualised by the United Nations Secretariat Advisory Board (UNSGAB) members as a follow-up to the International Year of Sanitation (2008). The 5YD is an advocacy vehicle to keep sanitation high on the political agenda, promote national coordination, improve sanitation monitoring while supporting sustainable sanitation solutions.

The 5YD was officially adopted by Resolution A/RES/65/153 [2] of the UN General Assembly on 20 December 2010 and now serves as a tool for engaging countries as well as non-state stakeholders for improving access to sanitation worldwide.

The official launch of 5YD will take place in the presence of the UN Secretary General during the UNSGAB meeting to be held from 21-23 June 2011 in New York City.

The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) has written a concept note [3] on engagement in the 5YD.

[1] WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (2010). Progress on sanitation and drinking-water : 2010 update. Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organization (WHO) ; New York, NY, USA, UNICEF.

[2] Read the full text of UN Resolution 65/153

[3] Abraham, B. and Von Münch, E. (2011). Concept note : SuSanA engagement in the Five Year Drive for Sustainable Sanitation. Draft.

Related news: Sanitation crisis: experts call for full coverage by 2025, E-Source, 27 Apr 2010

Source: UNSGAB, 21 Dec 2010

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