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Published on: 04/05/2011

IRC has published as OpenCourseWare, the programme, sessions plans and background reading materials for a two-day training workshop on corruption prevention in the water sector. IRC organised the workshop for ACRA (Associazione di Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina) from 6-7 April 2011, Milan, Italy.

The materials are based on two earlier training workshops organised by IRC in 2009, which attracted forty professionals from twenty different countries. 

The focus of the workshop is on building stronger systems of transparency, integrity and accountability to prevent corruption. It includes the following sessions:

  • Estimating the level of sector corruption
  • Participants’ own experiences of corruption
  • Where does corruption occur?
  • Regulator and citizens-led accountability initiatives
  • Procurement best practice and integrity pacts
  • The use of freedom of information acts
  • Project level methodologies and best practice
  • Moving forwards and mitigating risks

The full training package is available at:

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