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Published on: 01/07/2011

FHI, a global public health and economic development organisation based in Durham, North Carolina, has agreed to acquire the programmes, expertise, and other assets of Washington-based Academy for Educational Development. AED ran the USAID-funded Hygiene Improvement Project (HIP) from 2004 to 2010 and is now managing another USAID-funded project, WASHPlus (2010-2015) that combines the delivery of high-impact interventions in water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and indoor air quality (IAQ).

In December 2010, USAID suspended AED from receiving new government awards after an investigation found evidence of “serious corporate misconduct” stemming from programmes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In March 2011, AED announced that financial problems were forcing it to close, and that it was seeking a single buyer to which it can transfer its programmes and employees. After completing the deal with FHI, AED will again be eligible to receive new federal funding.

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Source: David Ranii, FHI’s acquisition will double its size,, 10 Jun 2011 ; AED, 08 Jun 2011

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