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Published on: 26/07/2011

Various users of E-Source dropped by at the IRC stand at AfricaSan 3 sharing how they are using and sharing news articles of their choice with colleages and junior staff.

Albert Eluzai Moni, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Republic of South Sudan, Juba

He uses some items from each E-Source he receives. “ I am sharing them with all of my 150 juniors in all the districts, pointing out the news that they should read”.

Daniel Sarpong, Watsan Advisor with Plan, Ghana

He has been subscribing to E-Source since 2006 when he was student at KNUST and did his MSc at UNESCO-IHE. In the issue no 3 of 15 July he was surprised to see that Ghana is only spending 0.1 percent of its GDP on sanitation. “I called our Health Advisor to have a look at the item from my laptop, and I forwarded the article to her inbox. I also occasionally share articles with friends and colleagues at the university level.” This includes short articles from the Africa section through the WASH Learning Alliance in Ghana. He also reads articles from the International, Training, Research and Lessons learned sections.

Daniel can be reached at his mobile: 233 24 4488440

Stancey Noel, Stockholm Environmental Institute, Dar es Salaam

She subscribes to Source since her involvement in the MUS group work. She finds the E-Source very useful to keep up to date on what is happening in the WASH sector. She forwards sanitation news from the Saniation Update to some 25 colleagues in SEI.

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