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Published on: 14/10/2011

The thematic discussions ‘Palabres de l’eau’ (water talks) are interactive discussions between information professionals working in the water and sanitation sector. The inaugural event took place in Ouagadougou on 4 October 2011 around the theme ‘communes facing the challenges of water and sanitation service management in Burkina Faso’.

The agenda of this kick-off discussion was:

  • A presentation of the concept of Palabres de l’eau
  • The ratification of the agreement between Eau Vive and the journal network RICHE, in charge of Palabres de l’eau
  • A brief introduction to the theme highlighted this time
  • Some complementary testimonies by selected participants
  • Open debate and exchange around the theme

The Palabres de l’eau are meant to open a safe space to express ideas and opinions, critical reflections and arguments, and its ultimate objective is to improve the quantity and quality of information produced by journalists and other information professionals in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector. Participants are invited to remain open-minded and objective in their participation to the debate and analysis – this is a prerequisite for the success of the initiative.

Each discussion will zoom in on one specific topic or theme. The themes are selected jointly by Eau Vive and RICHE, with an aim to effectively inform the reflection and documentation of sector information professionals.

Beyond the face-to-face event, the Palabres de l’eau will also take place on a virtual platform to maintain an ongoing exchange of information between members  and to offer a useful archive of past discussions.

Source : Concept note by Eau Vive and RICHE, provided by Juste Hermann Nansi (Eau Vive).


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