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Published on: 23/11/2011

Please prepare for your WASH governance training programme by finding out the following information about your locality.  Some of the information may not be easily available.  Even if you are not able to access specific answers,  it is still important to find out what information is available as this will also give you an indication of the different types of systems that are in place and the overall institutional capacity of the local government.   The process of finding out the information will also provide you with the opportunity to gain greater knowledge about WASH services in your locality.

Module Two: WASH services in your locality

  • The name of the local government entity (e.g. municipality, district, etc)
  • Population / number of households/ total number of communities
  • Approximate size of area and settlement types
  • Infrastructure challenges (water backlogs and sanitation backlogs)
  • Number of towns
  • Average household income
  • Economic activities in the area (for example agriculture, commercial, forestry, mining, manufacture)
  • Service levels
  • Available water resources
  • Institutional challenges
  • Financial challenges

Participants should broadly have knowledge of these issues (if the information is available)

Module 3: WASH Governance

Does your local government have the following in place? (Yes/No)




WASH policy


WASH bylaws


A water and sanitation services development plan


Targets for meeting the water and sanitation MDGs


A WASH budget


A WASH monitoring and/or reporting system


Contracts / agreements / arrangements with water and sanitation service providers


Is your local government responsible for local infrastructure development?


Module 4: WASH policy

Bring a copy of your country's national policy for water and sanitation services. Some countries may have more than one policy dealing with water and sanitation.

Module 6: Financing WASH services

  • What is the tariff for water in the urban areas, and in the rural areas in your locality?
  • Does your local government receive a transfer or grant from national government for WASH services? If so what for?
  • Do you receive any grants from donors directly?
  • % cost recovery
  • Does your local government use taxes to subsidise water and / or sanitation services?
  • % water and sanitation budget spent on O&M
  • What is the value of current projects being implemented in your locality?

Module 8: Institutional arrangements for service provision

  • What types of water and sanitation service providers are operating in your locality? (For example, utility, a local government, a community based organisation (CBO), a private operator, etc.)
  • What are the functions of the different water service providers in your locality?
  • Which water service provider do you think is providing the best service? Why?
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