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Published on: 18/06/2012

Learning for Change is a thematic area developed by IRC based on the experience that only through explicit social learning progress can be made in the WASH sector. Working towards a service delivery approach that is dynamic, efficient and effective in providing lasting access to quality water and sanitation services and achieving hygiene behaviour change.

Learning for Change as addressed in IRC, builds on years of action research around facilitating sector learning or rather providing overview, access and good use of information and knowledge sources by those who need it at the time when they need it. A principal instrument to facilitate such sector learning is the so-called WASH sector Resource Centre(s) Network approach. Another approach that has been increasingly experimented with is the introduction of learning platforms, based on the learning alliance concept, to encourage the various sector stakeholders to jointly document, reflect on and review approaches towards more efficient and effective sector service delivery.

In Uganda learning has been promoted through a series of projects and programmes from 2002 onwards. Since 2007 an explicit step was made to not limit learning to the national level, but to focus on the need for learning at decentralized levels, in particular at district and sub-county levels. 

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