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Published on: 01/11/2013

The study covered eight departments or communes (Arbinda, Dori, Gorgadji, Mansila, Markoyé, Seytentenga, Tankougounadié and Titabé) with a total population of 55,000. Although official drinking water coverage rates are above 50% in almost all the villages surveyed, the percentage of people with access in accordance with national norms is between 0 and 2% per village.

The majority of villagers in the surveyed areas continue to use unimproved sources and only take a small amount of water - less than 20 litres per person per day - from improved water points to meet their basic needs (drinking, cooking, hygiene). Water services fluctuate strongly between the rainy and dry seasons. 

The service levels relate to data collected about: 

  • Water quality
  • Water quantity
  • Distance of water points from the household
  • Number of users per water point

Findings have been summarized in 23 short fact sheets available in French. These will help local governments and service providers better plan for investments in water service delivery.

The study is part of the WA-WASH project funded by USAID.


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