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Published on: 20/09/2011

We will introduce the principles and components of the step-by-step methodology and share lessons learned from collecting cost data at household, regional and national level. Findings from the WASHCost project and other organisations applying the methodology will be used to illustrate the approach. Participants are encouraged to explore how to start using the life-cycle cost approach in their own work.

In the afternoon, participants will continue with more in depth sessions on how to apply the life-cycle cost approach. Questions that will be addressed are:

  • What are the minimum data needs and how are they determined?
  • Which data collection tools can be used?
  • How can costs and service levels be analysed to draw conclusions?

The training will be held at Speke Munyonyo in the Jacaranda Hall.

Delegates should register for the training by sending an email to Audrey van Soest:



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