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Published on: 04/07/2011

Prior to the workshop, all the participating WaterAid country programmes carried out a sector scan research which involved detailed project level case studies, along with a sector level review. Each country presented the results of the sector scan which was analysed and peer reviewed by other country programmes. Each country programme developed a concrete plan for an action research model project and identified advocacy messages to help influence sustainability actors at the national level.

Triple-S contributed to the process by making a presentation on our experience so far. We also provided inputs into the development of a research model project, and also helped to identify key advocacy messages. The participants at the Workshop found the Triple-S story to be very informative and inspirational.

Through Triple-S’ attendance and participation at the Workshop, a network with WaterAid and partner organisations from five West African countries has been created. Triple-S is focused on deepening our relationship with WaterAid regarding knowledge management, learning, and adoption of the Service Delivery Approach (SDA).

Furthermore, WaterAid Ghana has developed a model project for piloting in one district in 2011. This will be extended to 13 districts from 2012. This is an opportunity to build a critical mass of alignment of piloting SDA to support national level up-scale. WaterAid Ghana has identified policy dialogue on innovative options for post construction support as one of the key advocacy areas for its Ghana program.  This will be done in partnership with Triple-S and other sector stakeholders.

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