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Published on: 12/01/2012

The Ministry of Water and Environment requested Triple-S Uganda to take the lead in reviewing the District Implementation Manual (DIM)—a tool, issued in 2007, for both local governments and non-government organisations (NGOs) guiding the implementation process of WASH services.

Triple-S will work under the guidance of a steering committee chaired by the Commissioner of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Department (RWSSD), Engineer Aaron Kabirizi.

The decision for Triple-S Uganda to take the lead in this endeavour came after Triple-S Uganda concluded a study assessing the utilisation of the DIM by different stakeholders at the district level. The study, conducted in 2011, found that the DIM provided a comprehensive overview of the workings of the WASH sector for implementers at different local government levels. However, the study also discovered that most stakeholders were not using the document. The limited use of the DIM by stakeholders was attributed to myriad factors key of which include:

  • Inadequate dissemination to stakeholders;
  • Low level of awareness on the existence of the DIM among NGOs;
  • The sheer volume of the DIM which renders it bulky;
  • Section of the DIM  are hardly referred to while other section are outdated;
  • No orientation about the DIM for new recruits in district water offices; and
  • No requirement to comply, which makes adherence optional.

To address these challenges, an extensive review process for the DIM was recommended. The tool should then be updated and widely distributed. A specific recommendation was for the document to be updated to a user-friendly (read popular) version with the support from UWASNET and Triple-S. The coordination capacity of UWASNET structures should also be enhanced as this will help with coordination, harmonisation and alignment, particularly  of NGOs that have so far failed to comply with set standards and procedures. Additionally, Triple-S Uganda was requested to help with the process of reviewing and strengthening the Ministry’s dissemination strategy. Doing so also has bearing on the utilisation of the DIM as well as its key tools and guidelines.

The DIM review steering committee has been constituted with a clear Terms of Reference and will hold its first meeting on February 3, 2012. The committee comprises of representatives from the Ministry, local governments, Technical Support Units (TSUs), UWASNET, International NGOs and Triple-S Uganda.

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