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Published on: 06/08/2012

The training will cover the methodologies for the life-cycle costs approach (LCCA) and the latest research findings of the WASHCost project. The participants will explore questions such as: ‘What does it cost to keep WASH services running over time? How can we balance short-term hardware investments in new infrastructure with long-term investments that keep taps running?' The main objectives of the training will be to help participants apply the LCCA in planning and implementation of their organisation’s water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities and enable participants to support stakeholders in the use of LCCA.

LCCA is a way to examine the cost of providing sustainable water and sanitation services and also to improve the targeting of investments for services that last. The idea is not necessarily to reduce costs but to look at how best to invest available funds to ensure sustainability of service delivery.

Who can participate: NGOs, Government Agencies, Implementing Agencies, Service providers, Private sector and Researchers.

Cost of participation : The Course will be offered free of charge to all participants, however participants will have to pay for their accommodation and transportation

Date : August 25th, 2012

Venue : GILBT, Tamale

Please confirm your participation by sending an email to   or call 020-8715442 or the CONIWAS secretariat at or 0302-250816

Deadline for registration: August 22nd ,2012 

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