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Published on: 05/02/2013

The Coca-Cola Company is endorsing the Charter to complement the Coca-Cola African Foundation’s efforts to improve community water programmes through their “Replenish Africa Initiative” (RAIN). RAIN’s goal is to provide over 2 million people in Africa with access to drinking water by 2015. “Signing the Charter strengthens our commitment to enable lasting community ownership and operation of these water access and treatment systems”, said Greg Koch, Director of Global Stewardship in the Corporate Sustainability Office (Coca-Cola Company).

“The fact that a major corporate entity such as Coca Cola has endorsed the Sustainability Charter sends an important message in two respects. Firstly, that long-term impact matters and not just putting in place the pumps, pipes and toilets for today, but ensuring safe, reliable and permanent  services forever. Secondly, this matters because it sends such a strong signal to other large private companies and governments around the world to join this growing movement and make this a truly global issue that everyone should do something about”, said Harold Lockwood of Triple-S and Aguaconsult.

The Coca-Cola Company is the largest beverage company in the world. The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation has made efforts to improve community water services since 2005.

30 January 2013

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