Hygiene cost effectiveness studies in Ghana, Mozambique and Burkina Faso
The results of a three-country hygiene cost effectiveness study make interesting reading.
Published on: 13/02/2014
Hygiene is the missing link in WASH – essential to gain the full health and social benefits of clean water and safe sanitation
Hygiene promotion is more effective when integrated as part of water and sanitation improvements
The life-cycle costs approach (LCCA) methodology can be used to monitor hygiene outcomes against the costs of interventions
Sustainable change demands that hygiene promotion is targeted and repeated and that results are regularly monitored
An investment of US$ 5 per person per year in Mozambique saw improvements in latrine use, handwashing & drinking water management
Hygiene promotion integrated with water and sanitation provision in Ghana led to better drinking water management and a 40% increase in the purchase...
Essential good hygiene practices are latrine use and faecal containment, handwashing with soap at critical times and safe management of drinking wat...
The WASHCost hygiene ladder is a tool to identify behaviour change before and after hygiene promotion interventions
Hygiene practices need to be monitored to assess how hygiene promotion interventions impact on behaviour change
Hygiene promotion is best delivered as a public health or environmental health service
The benefits of hygiene promotion are not prioritised and the costs are poorly understood – budgets fail to reflect the importance of this essential service