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TitleWater resources of the Sadah area : technical annexes
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsDanikh, M, Overmeeren, RA, Elewaut, E, Gamal, N, Qadir, NA, Elderhorst, W, van der Gun, JAM
Pagination216 p.: fig., graph, map
Date Published1985-01-01
PublisherTNO-DGV, Groundwater Survey
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordsaquifers, atmospheric precipitation, boreholes, groundwater, groundwater exploration, projects, prospecting, recharge, runoff, surveys, water balance, yemen sad'ah
NotesAnnex 3: hydrological network; annex 4: exploratory borehole programme; annex 5: geophysical well-logging; annex 6: aquifer tests; annex 7: groundwater availability. - Includes references.
Custom 1211, 823


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