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Summary of findings documented in individual reports on seventy Community Water Supply Schemes constructed between 1973 and 1976 under the LDD/UNICEF/WHO Community Water Supply Programme in Nepal

TitleCommunity water supply programme status report : volume V: summary report
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsNP, NMinistry o, Kathmandu, NPUNICEFReg, Kathmandu, NPNew Era -
Pagination75 p.: tab.
Date Published1977-01-01
PublisherNew Era
Place PublishedKathmandu, Nepal
Keywordscosts, evaluation, maintenance, nepal, operation, projects, water quality, water quantity, water use

Summary of findings documented in individual reports on seventy Community Water Supply Schemes constructed between 1973 and 1976 under the LDD/UNICEF/WHO Community Water Supply Programme in Nepal

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