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The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade 1981-1991 had as its goals safe drinking water and adequate sanitation systems for all people by 1991.

TitleAchievements of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade 1981-1990 : report of the Economic and Social Council : report of of the secretary-general
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsUnited Nations Economic and Social Council -New York, NY, US
Pagination30 p.
Date Published1990-01-01
PublisherUnited Nations Economic and Social Council
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
Keywordsappropriate technology, community participation, cost recovery, financing, health education, health impact, idwssd, information transfer, institutional framework, integrated approach, maintenance, manpower development, operation, planning, private sector, socioeconomic impact, women

The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade 1981-1991 had as its goals safe drinking water and adequate sanitation systems for all people by 1991. As the decade wore on, it was realized that the goals were unrealistic, and that the problem was much more complicated than originally envisaged. Fluctuating economies, mass migrations to urban from rural areas and inappropriate technologies were a few of the many reasons for nonattainment of the goals. The ten-year period did bring an enhanced awareness of the scope of the problem, and began new research into community participation, women's participation, appropriate and affordable technologies and the integration of water supply and sanitation into development activities. Further investigations into cost recovery, operation and maintenance, private sector mobilization, human resources development and better international cooperation and information exchange are suggested.

NotesBibliography: p. 29-30
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