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The Global Assembly of Women and the Environment "Partners in Life" had as goal to demonstrate women's capacities in environmental management as they relate to global ecological issues, focusing on water, waste, energy and environmentally-friendly systems

TitleProceedings of the global assembly of women and the environment "partners in life", November 4-8, 1991
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsMartin-Brown, J, Ofosu-Amaah, W
Pagination2 vol. (291, 296 p.)
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherWorldWIDE Network
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordscase studies, environment, environmental management, women

The Global Assembly of Women and the Environment "Partners in Life" had as goal to demonstrate women's capacities in environmental management as they relate to global ecological issues, focusing on water, waste, energy and environmentally-friendly systems, products and technologies. The 218 success stories presented at the Assembly were selected from all regions of the world and demonstrated that environmental degradation was averted or repaired. The presentation of the success stories provided the basis for the Assembly's process, which engaged 17 concurrent working groups, 4 drafting committees and institutions represented by mentors from academia, corporations, foundations, international agencies, national governments and NGOs. Important goals were to assess the elements of leadership, the requirments for success, and the ways that institutions individually and collectively could replicate these and other successful projects, and advance women in environmental management. The success stories also provided the basis for the development of 5 regional action plans which will serve as the impetus for the replication and advancement of environmental management efforts. Volume I contains the keynote speeches, background papers and participants' findings, recommendations and action plans. Volume II contains detailed write-ups of the success stories presented at the meeting.

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