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This document brings together a number of ideas, methods and tools which can be of use to NGOs working in development projects. It does not claim to be a precise and universal summary of advice.

TitleSupporting development action : from identification to evaluation
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsBeaudoux, E, de Crombrugghe, G, Douxchamps, F, Gueneau, M-C, Nieuwkerk, M
Pagination187 p.: fig., ill., tab.
Date Published1992-01-01
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISBN Number0333576411
Keywordscab93/3, economic development, evaluation, evaluation methods, information gathering, monitoring, programmes, zopp

This document brings together a number of ideas, methods and tools which can be of use to NGOs working in development projects. It does not claim to be a precise and universal summary of advice. The only NGO activities dealt with in this book are those relating to development, with particular attention being given to production orientated actions. After discussing the role of partners in Chapter 1, in the context of their special role in development actions, the book goes on to consider four typical phases of any development action: identification, programming, monitoring and evaluation. For each of these, the emphasis is put on "markers", aspects for which special attention is required: these are the first parts of each of the four chapters devoted to the phases. To illustrate these "markers", the second part of each chapter is devoted to "approaches and tools". This part begins with a detailed example highlighting aspects of the phase to which the chapter is devoted. This is followed by detailed descriptions of some tools.

Notes74 ref.
Custom 1103, 125


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