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This book presents leading-edge analysis on the theory and practice of participatory evaluation around the world. It uses case studies from Bangladesh, El Salvador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, and St Vincent.

TitleKnowledge shared : participatory evaluation in development cooperation
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsJackson, ET, Kassam, Y
Paginationxi, 252 p. : 11 fig., 9 tab.
Date Published1998-01-01
PublisherKumarian Press
Place PublishedWest Hartford, CT, USA
ISBN Number1565490851
Keywordscase studies, development cooperation, evaluation methods, participatory methods, sdipar

This book presents leading-edge analysis on the theory and practice of participatory evaluation around the world. It uses case studies from Bangladesh, El Salvador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, and St Vincent. The book is a guide to a community-based approach to evaluation that is at once a learning process, a means of taking action, and a catalyst for empowerment. It is intended primarily as a tool for practitioners and policymakers in all segments of development cooperation.

NotesBibliography: p. 230-233 Includes index
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