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TitleRada Water Supply & Sanitation Project : final report Extension & Training Section
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsAmersfoort, NLDHV-, Arnhem, NLEuroconsul, Amsterdam, NLAgro Visio
Pagination11 p. + 54 p. annexes: 1 map
Date Published1995-01-01
Place PublishedArnhem, The Netherlands
Keywordscommunity participation, evaluation, extension, health education, information transfer, projects, rural areas, sanitation, training, water supply, women, yemen rada

This report presents background information on the Rada Water Supply and Sanitation Project's environmental health education and community participation programme, which was carried out between January 1992 and August 1995. It is aimed at people involved in technically advanced water supply and sanitation schemes in urbanized areas. The report also provides information on the Project's Extension and Training (E&T) section which concentrated on the introduction and operation of the improved solid waste collection and disposal services. These include technical, operational and financial aspects, as well as an emphasis on environmental and health issues related to these sanitation schemes. The role of women in Environmental Health Education / Community Participation is also highlighted. The report includes a description of the various methods of dissemination which are based on the two-way flow of information, i.e. from the Project to the people and vice versa. Some of the methods used are written and pictorial information such as leaflets, newsletters, cartoons. An important component of the E&T section is strengthening local capabilities of the section's staff members. Includes recommendations referring to customer relations, information centres and the participation of women. Annex I includes five information leaflets in Arabic and English dealing with water and sewerage connections, plumbing, costs, annex II shows extension activities schedules.

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