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This article examines factors that determine the success or failure of rural information centres in Africa. Two types of information centre are identified: those managed by the local community and those forming part of a public library system.

TitleRural community resource centres : a feasible option for Africa?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsRosenberg, D
Paginationp. 29-35: 2 fig.
Date Published1993-01-01
Keywordsafrica, community development, information dissemination, information services, resource centres, rural communities

This article examines factors that determine the success or failure of rural information centres in Africa. Two types of information centre are identified: those managed by the local community and those forming part of a public library system. The historical development of such centres in Africa and elsewhere is reviewed. Libraries are generally not considered essential for development and rural comunities themselves are sometimes not satisfied with merely being provided with information. Information transfer mechanisms in rural communities, the need for training information manpower and the sustainability of information provision are considered.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1151, 502


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