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This article reviews failure-prediction models that have appeared in the financial literature and describes development of a distress classification model for water utilities.

TitleDeveloping models for assessing the financial health of small and medium-sized water utilities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsDreese, GR, Beecher, JA
Paginationp. 54-60: 1 fig., 7 tab.
Date Published1993-06-01
Keywordsevaluation, financing, models, small community supply systems, usa, water authorities

This article reviews failure-prediction models that have appeared in the financial literature and describes development of a distress classification model for water utilities. The methodology can be used as an early-warning system to identify failing water utilities, as a screening tool for systems seeking certification, and as a viability test for evaluating prospective structural changes to existing systems. Financial models do not, however, fully capture other important factors such as managerial and technical capability or a community's ability to support water systems costs.

Notes17 ref.
Custom 1202.5, 202.8


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