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Two ferrocement cylindrical tanks of 5 cubic metres and 16 cubic metres capacity were analysed, designed, constructed and tested.

TitleRainwater storage using ferrocement tanks in developing countries
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsParamasivam, P, Ong, KCG, Tan, KH, Lee, SL
Paginationp. 377-384: fig., tab.
Date Published1990-01-01
Keywordsconstruction, design, rainwater storage, storage tanks, testing

Two ferrocement cylindrical tanks of 5 cubic metres and 16 cubic metres capacity were analysed, designed, constructed and tested. Based on linear elastic theory for thin shells, the magnitude of the forces acting on the tanks and the resulting reinforcement requirements were calculated. Guidelines for constructing the tanks were also developed. Two prototype tanks, which were tested over a two-year period, showed no leakage or reduction in water height. The tests confirmed that ferrocement tanks of the proposed design were suitable for rainwater storage in rural areas of developing countries.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1213.2


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