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The need for a community participation approach in the planning and implementation of rural water supply projects, together with health education and institutional support, is considered.

TitleCommunity participation in the water supply sector in Sri Lanka
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsKarunadasa, HI, Bradley, RM
Paginationp. 131-136
Date Published1989-01-01
Keywordscommunity participation, evaluation, health education, institutional framework, methodology, monitoring, operation, planning, projects, sri lanka, tp29

The need for a community participation approach in the planning and implementation of rural water supply projects, together with health education and institutional support, is considered. A procedure adopted in Sri Lanka in which this type of approach was being employed on several demonstration projects illustrated the feasibility of the recommended approach. The procedure had 7 basic stages, basic investigations, community orientation and preparation for community participation, community consultation, education and planning, development of the programme with the community, health education, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1205.1



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