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This article examines the perceptions of cleanliness and the role of soap and hand washing in two poor Bangladeshi communities, one rural and one urban.

TitleThe use of soap and water in two Bangladeshi communities : implications for the transmission of diarrhoea
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsZeitlyn, S, Islam, F
Paginationp. s259-s264
Date Published1991-01-01
Keywordsbathing practices, behaviour, beliefs, cultural aspects, diarrhoeal diseases, disease transmission, hand washing, health education, soap

This article examines the perceptions of cleanliness and the role of soap and hand washing in two poor Bangladeshi communities, one rural and one urban. Germ theory was found not to form the basis of ideas on cleanliness, as it was instead found to be based on a socio-religious concept of a reltionship between purity and impurity. Suggestions are given on the measures needed to help educate people about infection and the invisible nature of contamination.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1203.1, 245.11, 822



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