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Poland, like other parts of Eastern Europe, needs reliable, cost-effective means of water pollution control. The majority of cities lack adequate sewage treatment facilities to meet discharge standards.

TitleA natural solution for reliable, cost-effective wastewater treatment
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsNielsen, H, Ngo, V
Paginationp. 20-21 : 1 fig., 1 photogr.
Date Published1995-01-01
Keywordsaerobic treatment, cab95/5, duckweeds, poland, polishing ponds, urban areas, wastewater treatment

Poland, like other parts of Eastern Europe, needs reliable, cost-effective means of water pollution control. The majority of cities lack adequate sewage treatment facilities to meet discharge standards. Since 1992, a waste water treatment process known as the Lemna System, sponsored by the USA-based Lemna Corporation and Poland's Hydro Ltd., is being installed, one city at a time, to solve wastewater problems. This article describes the Lemna System first installed in Poland in the town of Kochcice. It details the design of the system; and the advantages which include cost-effectiveness, simple operation and maintenance, and the fact that it is a natural technology. This versatile technology is now being used in more than 100 projects worldwide.

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