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This paper describes a simple technique for water tank construction called H-F-B (heart filled blocks). The technique makes use of a simple mould for the manufacture of hollow concrete building blocks.

TitleWater tanks with HFB technique
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsSolsona, F
PaginationP. 151-154: photogr.
Date Published1991-01-01
Keywordsconcrete, construction, storage tanks

This paper describes a simple technique for water tank construction called H-F-B (heart filled blocks). The technique makes use of a simple mould for the manufacture of hollow concrete building blocks. The tank is constructed\AB without the use of mortar. Instead a slurry of sand-cement or soil cement is used to fill the hollows. The HFB technique was used in South Africa to construct 5 m3 water tanks with a maximum recommended height of 2 metres.

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