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TitleEcological sanitation : revised and enlarged edition
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsWinblad, U, Simpson-Hebert, M
EditionRev. and enlarged ed
Paginationvi, 141 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Date Published2004-01-01
PublisherStockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
ISBN Number9188714985
Keywordsawareness raising, composting, design, ecological sanitation, human excreta, peri-urban communities, sdisan, social aspects, sullage

The book relates sanitation devices to sanitation as a system and critically examines the strengths and weaknesses of various sanitation technologies under different physical and cultural conditions. It discusses an alternative to conventional sanitation called ecological sanitation, which is based on an ecosystem approach and treats human urine and faeces as a valuable resource to be recycled. The book aims to provide a new conceptual framework for a diversity of sanitation initiatives. Advice is provided on how to make such systems work concerning the selection, design and management of devices as well as including observations on the promotion and support aspects needed to encourage their success. The authors are particularly interested in developing large-scale applications of the ecological sanitation concept in urban areas both in developed and developing countries. Among the target audience for this book are municipal authorities, grassroots and community leaders, private entrepreneurs, international institutions, and scholars, engineers and practitioners.

NotesBibliography: p. 131-137. - Includes index. - 1998 edition also available in Spanish, French, Chinese and Vietnamese.
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