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TitleHappy, healthy and hygienic : how to set up a hygiene promotion programme. 4. Communicating hygiene
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsCurtis, V, Kanki, B
Secondary TitleWater, environment and sanitation technical guidelines series / UNICEF
Volumeno. 5
Pagination20 p. : 2 boxes, fig., ill., 1 tab.
Date Published1998-09-01
PublisherUNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
Keywordscommunication, health education, hygiene, manuals, sdihyg

This fourth manual, in a series of four mini-manuals, deals with how to understand how people communicate and how to build on that knowledge to design an effective communication programme.

Notes3 ref.
Custom 1203.2



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