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Describes field studies of pit latrine emptying using the micravac, a small-scale motorized tanker, in two areas in Zimbabwe: Porta farm, a temporary holding camp for 7000-10,000 people awaiting resettlement and Epworth, a peri-urban settlement in Harare.

TitlePit-latrine-emptying using motorized equipment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsJere, M, Dzotizei, AT, Munjoma, M
PaginationP. 140-142 : 1 tab.
Date Published1996-01-01
Keywordscamps, field studies, mechanical removal, peri-urban communities, pit latrines, sdisan, vacuum trucks, ventilated improved pit latrines, zimbabwe

Describes field studies of pit latrine emptying using the micravac, a small-scale motorized tanker, in two areas in Zimbabwe: Porta farm, a temporary holding camp for 7000-10,000 people awaiting resettlement and Epworth, a peri-urban settlement in Harare. The micravac was not recommended for unlined pits as were used in Porta farm camp, because of the danger of pit collapse. In peri-urban areas with lined pits, the micravac was an acceptable solution, costing Z$ 10.68 to remove 2 cubic metres of sludge.

Notes1 ref.
Custom 1321.4




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