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This report represents the results from a research project entitled "Design and management of sustainable urban water systems".

TitleSustainable water management : combining four approaches to enhance planning
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsRijsberman, MA
Secondary TitleCommunication / Department of Water Management
Volumeno. 85
Pagination41 p. : fig.
Date Published2000-03-01
PublisherDelft University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordscomparative analysis, planning, research, sdiman, sdiwrm, sustainability, urban areas, water resources management

This report represents the results from a research project entitled "Design and management of sustainable urban water systems". This project aimed to develop a system for the design and management of sustainable water systems, including an assessment system for their sustainability. Before that can materialise, this publication examined the question: What do we mean by sustainability in relation to water resources management?

Notes53 ref.
Custom 1210, 202.5


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