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This publication focuses on water quality issues using examples from around the former Soviet Union.

TitleA water quality assessment of the former Soviet Union
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsMeybeck, M, Kimstach, V, Baroudy, E
Paginationxvii, 611 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published1998-01-14
PublisherE & FN Spon
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISBN Number0419239200
Keywordsacidity, case studies, eutrophication, groundwater, microbiological quality, nitrification, organic wastes, russian federation amu darya, russian federation dnieper basin, russian federation lake baikal, russian federation lake ladoga, russian federation lower don basin, russian federation moscow, russian federation volga, salinity, sdiwrm, surface waters, water pollution, water resources, water use

This publication focuses on water quality issues using examples from around the former Soviet Union. It covers the background to the natural water resources and composition of surface and ground waters in the former Soviet Union, and then proceeds to examine the influence of human activity on those resources and water quality systems. It includes more than two hundred line illustrations and tables, long-term detailed case studies of the Lower Don Basin, the Amu Darya river, the Rybinsk reservoir, the Dnieper river, Lakes Baikal and Ladoga, and water resources in Moscow and the Moscow region. Professionals in government, national and international organisations, and in water utilities, could find this publication of use to their work.

NotesIncludes ref. Includes index
Custom 1821, 242



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