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ASTHA is a farsi word meaning "belief". It is also an interactive, multimedia CD-ROM about development in Bangladesh and UNICEF's role in that process.

TitleAstha : a belief
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsDhaka, BDUNICEF-
PaginationCD-ROM : 630 MB
Date Published1996-01-01
Place PublishedDhaka, Bangladesh
Keywordsbangladesh, children, economic development, programmes, sdiasi, statistics, training, united nations organizations, women

ASTHA is a farsi word meaning "belief". It is also an interactive, multimedia CD-ROM about development in Bangladesh and UNICEF's role in that process. There is a section about Bangladesh that provides key features of the human development context. There is a section on the Alliance for Children and Women in Bangladesh which shows some of the main organizations involved and their programmes. There is a bookshelf with references and screen shows including everything from studies and evaluations to programme outlines, communication tools, such as Facts for life and slide/sound shows. There is a training section, offering both pre-testing and post-testing options on a variety of topics, with pointers to where in ASTHA you can find further references. The InfoBank is a mini encyclopaedia with hundreds of documents and reports that are cross-referenced to related texts. Any portion of this information can be copied and pasted into a file.

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