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TitleDPRK sector report: water and environmental sanitation: water and sanitation sector overview
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsUnited Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs -Pyongyang, KP, OCHA
Pagination16 p. : fig.
Date Published2002-06-01
PublisherUnited Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Place PublishedPyongyang, North Korea
Keywordskorea democratic republic, policies, programmes, sanitation, sdiasi, sdipol, water quality, water shortage, water supply, water treatment

Overview of the water and sanitation sector in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It gives an outline of current programme activities and analysis of the major problems, and describe the humanitarian strategy that is basis for the response. In 2001, micro-level activities were targeted to the most vulnerable groups of the population. During the formulation of the 2002 CAP, this strategy was reviewed. It was recognised that the situation had improved in institutions, and would need to continue if the needs were to be met. At the same time, it was assessed that the programme was not reaching all of the targeted groups. The report includes sector project/activity sheets from various organizations active in the water and sanitation sector in DPRK as well as a chapter on laws and regulations.

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