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TitleWater for the 21st century - vision to action : framework for action : the North Mediterranean sub-region
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsGlobal Water Partnership - Mediterranean -Athens, GR, GWP-Med
Pagination34 p. : 7 boxes, 10 tab.
Date Published2000-03-01
PublisherGlobal Water Partnership (GWP)
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
Keywordsmediterranean, planning, policies, safe water supply, sanitation, sdipol
NotesIncludes glossary of terms. - On cover: The Mediterranean : North Mediterranean
Custom 1821
Original PublicationWater for the 21st century - vision to action : Southern Africa, Water for the 21st century - vision to action : South America, Water for the 21st century : vision to action for West Africa = L'eau pour le 21ème siècle : de la vision à l'action pour l'Afr



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