Title | "Kamanu Wizai - Kaniniu Wun": Knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs (KAPB survey) on water and environmental sanitation in 11 Amazon programme communities |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Authors | Rautanen, S-L |
Secondary Title | UNICEF - Guyana working paper series |
Pagination | 122 p. : 38 fig., photogr., 12 tab. |
Date Published | 1970-01-01 |
Publisher | UNICEF |
Place Published | New York, NY, USA |
Keywords | awareness raising, capacity building, community participation, cost benefit analysis, education, environmental sanitation, health, hygiene, information dissemination, nutrition, programmes, sanitation, sdicom, sdihyg, sdipar, sustainability, training, water resources management, water supply |
Notes | 1 appendix.
13 references. |
Custom 1 | 824 |