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Early Childhood Matters (ECM) is published by the Bernard van Leer Foundation in English and Spanish, every four months. The periodical about early childhood development is addressed primarily to practitioners in the field.

TitleEarly childhood matters : the bulletin of the Bernard van Leer Foundation
Publication TypeJournal
AuthorsHague, NLBernard va
Date Published1970-01-01
PublisherBernard van Leer Foundation
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordschildren, education

Early Childhood Matters (ECM) is published by the Bernard van Leer Foundation in English and Spanish, every four months. The periodical about early childhood development is addressed primarily to practitioners in the field. Beside disseminating practice as experienced in the projects supported by the Foundation it also features outside expieriences. Each issue of Early childhood matters centres on a theme that is currently relevant in the field of early childhood. Early Childhood Matters is also available in print.

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