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TitleStriking a balance : a guide to enhancing the effectiveness of non-governmental organisations in international development.
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsFowler, A
EditionReprint 2002
Paginationxv, 298 p. : 27 boxes, 26 fig., 19 tab.
Date Published1997-01-01
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISSN Number1853833258
Keywordscapacity building, institutional development, non-governmental organizations, sdicap

The book describes the objectives of sustainable people-centred development and the processes required to achieve it, focusing on the five factors which determine effectiveness: suitable organisational design; competent leadership and human resources; mobilisation of high quality finance; and the measurement of performance coupled to 'learning for leverage'. In each area the book explains the capacities needed and how they can be assessed and improved. [abstract taken from book cover].

NotesIncl. glossary; and 36 p. notes and readings.
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