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TitleMeena comic books
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsKathmandu, NPUNICEFReg
Pagination27 issues available
Date Published2000-01-01
PublisherUNICEF Regional Office for South Asia
Place PublishedKathmandu, Nepal
Keywordsawareness raising, behaviour, children, health education, schools, sdihyg

A full colour cartoon series about Meena is a little girl who lives in a village with her parents, her grandmother, her brother Raju and her baby sister, Rani. In many ways, Meena is like any other little girl you know. She is friendly but is not afraid to ask questions. The Meena comic books include:
1. Baby Rani’s four visits
2. Count Your Chickens
3. Dividing the Mango
4. The Girls Came Back
5. Health in your Hands
6. It Could Happen to Anyone
7. Learning can be Fun!
8. Learning to Love
9. Let’s Go to School Together
10. Life has Changed: Teachers' Guide
11. Meena And Her Friend
12. Meena’s Three Wishes
13. Meena in the City
14. Reaching Out
15. Safe from Worms
16. Saving a Life
17. Say No to Dowry
18. School First, Marriage Later
19. Seeing in the Dark
20. Strangers in the Village
21. Take Care of Girls
22. Teacher Helps to Learn
23. Too Young to Marry
24. We Love Books!
25. When Meena was a little Girl
26. When Meena was Born
27. Who’s Afraid of the Bully?

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