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TitleThe world health report 2005 : make every mother and child count
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsWHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization
Paginationxxiii, 229 p. : 30 boxes, 29 fig., 6 tab.
Date Published2005-01-01
PublisherWorld Health Organization (WHO)
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
ISSN NumberISBN : 9241562900
Keywordschild health, financing, health, health care, international level, maternal health, morbidity, mortality, policies, poverty, programmes, sdihyg, statistics, women
NotesIncludes references and index
Custom 1140, 800
Original PublicationRapport sur la sante dans le monde 2005 : donnons sa chance a chaque mere et a chaque enfant


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