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TitleTown water supply and sanitation project : international consultancy report : mission one [Ethiopia case study report]
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsS. Walker, G-, Glennie, E
Pagination49 p.; tab.; fig.
Date Published2005-04-01
Place PublishedSwindon, GB
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, ethiopia, safe water supply, sanitation, water supply

The Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) have contracted Edward Glennie and Simon Gordon-Walker from WRc to provide expert support to the development of the Town Water Supply and Sanitation programme. This programme is expected to fund planning and improvements to water supply and sanitation service in 50 to 100 towns by supporting capacity building of participating water boards/ committees and operators to effectively manage their water supply and sanitation facilities, and to ensure that well functioning and properly utilized urban water supply systems and improved sanitation are in place in participating towns and cities. Once established the Town Water Boards or Committees will be responsible for planning and managing their water supply systems, ensuring that efficiency is improved through engaging local operators for routine O&M and securing professional support services. Regional Water Bureaus will appoint “focal points” and they will be responsible for overall regional programme planning and management and will also ensure that towns receive technical assistance and on-the-job capacity building support. MWR will be responsible for overall Project coordination. [authors abstract]



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