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TitleUse of urine
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsVienna, ATEcoSan Clu
Secondary TitleSustainable sanitation practice
Pagination33 p.; ill.
Date Published2009-10-01
PublisherEcoSan Club
Place PublishedVienna, Austria
Keywordsurine, urine treatment

"Use of urine" is the thematic topic of the third issue of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP). If urine is collected separately, treated and converted to agricultural usage, the biggest step towards nutrient reuse and highly efficient water protection is taken. The papers present various aspects on the use of urine: Practical experiences from the use of urine in Ethiopia, West Africa and from the United States of America are presented. Findings on the fate of pharmaceutical residues in urine are summarized in another article. The final contribution gives an outline on updated guidelines on the use of urine that will be published during 2010. [authors abstract]

contains : Opening minds and closing loops – productive sanitation initiatives in Burkina Faso and Niger; Experiences from use of urine in Arba Minch, Ethiopia; Pharmaceutical residues in urine as fertiliser; Backyard urine recycling in the United States of America; Food Security and Productive sanitation ‐ practical guidelines on the use of urine.

NotesWith references at the end of each paper.
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