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TitleThe republic of Liberia : water supply and sanitation policy
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsLands, Mand Energy
Pagination47 p.; tab.; fig.
Date Published2009-04-01
PublisherLiberia : Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy
Place PublishedMonrovia, Liberia
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, access to water, liberia

Poor access to safe drinking water and sanitation services are major causes of illness and poverty. The war significantly undermined the delivery of water and sanitation services in Liberia. The impact of inadequate drinking water and sanitation services is greatest on the poor, and on women and children who fetch water from long distances or pay high prices from vendors. Water and sanitation-related illnesses services, keep children out of school, and undermine investment in agriculture and other economic sectors. [authors abstract]

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