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Manual drilling methods are being used to provide water for drinking and other domestic needs in at least 36 countries around the world.

TitleManual drilling compendium 2015
Publication TypeLiterature Review
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsDanert, K
Secondary TitleRWSN publication
Pagination39 p. : 12 boxes, 21 fig., 7 tab.
Date Published02/2015
PublisherRural Water Supply Network, Skat Foundation
Place PublishedSt.Gallen, Switzerland
Publication LanguageEnglish
ISBN Number978-3-908156-57-4
Keywordsmanual drilling

This compendium draws together experiences of manual drilling from 36 countries, mainly from Africa. 

The compendium is structured as follows:
  • Chapter 2: overview of the geological and hydrogeological conditions where manual drilling is feasible.
  • Chapter 3: manual drilling methods.
  • Chapter 4: the basics of good borehole design, key challenges and manual drilling specifications.
  • Chapter 5: technology introduction and uptake,
  • Chapter 6: context, history and extent of manual drilling uptake in 16 countries.
  • Chapter 7: reflections of professionalisation of manual drilling, cost-effectiveness and recommendations.
  • Annex 1 and 2 synthesise available information on manual drilling for drinking water supplies for 37 countries.

Includes references: p. 34-39

Citation Key79715


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