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Published on: 17/10/2015

The provision of water and sanitation, though recognized as key basic services necessary to prevent diseases and support social and economic development in development countries continues to face major challenges with domestic and private sector financing and resources mobilization.

Recognizing that local resource mobilization and innovative financing are key pillars to achieving universal access for water and sanitation, and following up on the Third International Conference on Financing for Development held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in July 2015, UNICEF in collaboration with African Development Bank, European Investment Bank, ECOWAS, ECCAS, African UNION, ECOBANK, DGIS, and IRC is organizing the first regional meeting on innovative financing for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Africa to explore how private sector and domestic financial resources can be mobilized to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all in Africa.

Key Objectives

  • To review existing funding mechanisms in Africa, especially West & Central Africa region, identify opportunities for WASH programmes in the short to medium term.
  • To provide an overview of the range of potential innovative financing mechanisms available for participants share thoughts and discuss options.
  • To share experiences in using innovative financing mechanisms within the WASH sector in the region from government-led to private institution-directed initiatives, as well as Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).
  • To hear from the private sector, other funders (actual and potential), and practitioners on what the necessary conditions and enabling factors are for an innovative financing initiative to be successful.
  • To identify innovative financing mechanisms to support the provision of access to WASH services in the region.
  • To define key strategies and recommendations for adoption and scale up of potential financing mechanisms for WASH services within the region.
  • To engage and galvanize regional organisations, governments, financial institutions and other groups to explore opportunities for implementing funding and financing instruments.

Key Sessions

  • Investment Environment in West and Central Africa
  • Financing of WASH in West and Central Africa in the Future
  • Enabling Environment for WASH Financing in West and Central Africa
  • Existing Policy and Frameworks for Innovative Finance: Regional (UEMO, ECOWAS, ECCAS etc.) and Countries
  • Existing Financial Mechanisms: Loans, bonds, microfinance, etc
  • Applying Financial instruments to WASH: Regional, Commercial, and Investment Banks
  • Moving Innovative Financing for WASH Forward: Looking Forward: Recommendations and Next Steps

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