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Published on: 07/06/2016

SEHATIwas 3.5 year programme which was implemented in seven districts in East Indonesia. The focus was on accelerating access to sanitation and hygiene facilities by strengthening the capacity of local stakeholders. IRC has given support on monitoring and capacity building.

SEHATI built on the success of the Sanitation, Hygiene and Water (SHAW) programme which actively promoted and pioneered the implementation of the Indonesian national strategy on Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM). STBM is the Indonesian concept of the Community-Led Total Sanitation. SHAW was implemented in nine districts in Eastern Indonesia from 2010-2015. During the implementation period a total of 802 villages were declared 100% STBM benefiting some 1.45 million people.

Similar to the SHAW programme, SEHATI was implemented in partnership with local district administrations, five Indonesian NGOs, one Dutch NGO and other relevant stakeholders in seven districts in East Indonesia: Rumsram in Biak Numfor, Yayasan Dian Desa in Manggarai Barat, Yayasan Masyarakat Peduli in Lombok Timur, CD-Bethesda in Sumba Tengah and Sumba Barat Daya, and Plan Indonesia in Lombok Utara and Dompu.

The SEHATI programme employed an adjusted model equipping the different stakeholders with the right approaches, tactics, tools and skills to enable them to achieve full coverage in their districts. The SEHATI partners initiated the start-up in each district, informed and built the capacity of local government actors, sanitation entrepreneurs and other local stakeholders, and then facilitated and supportedDurat implementation by these stakeholders.

The Dutch NGO Simavi coordinates the SEHATI programme and supports the central Indonesian Government on STBM policy and scaling up initiatives. SEHATI will be an important contribution to the Government of Indonesia’s vision of achieving universal access to sanitation by 2019. The programme will run from February 2015 till August 2019 and starts with a six-month inception phase. At the end of the 3.5 years programme, it is expected that the local government authorities of the seven districts will be able to independently implement, replicate, scale up and sustain the STBM five pillars in all the villages under their jurisdiction.

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